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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-02-06 13:11:55

It looks like QCC got added to the regression system and now I am
getting huge regression reports with the Python library failing every

I'm going to ramble here, because I don't really know what or who to
lash out at ;). So apologies in advance if it seems like I'm firing
indiscriminately. I hope we can ultimately make things better.

With all due gratitude to Doug for setting it up, I have a hard time
not concluding that there's something wrong with the regression nanny
system. The psychological impact seems misdirected. I think the goal
is that a sudden crop of failures showing up in my mailbox should be
seen as a problem I need to address. Too often, though, there's
nothing I can do about such failures and they get ignored. In this
case, it's just really annoying. These aren't regressions because
Boost.Python never worked with QNX in the past. Why am I getting
these reports?

Shouldn't whoever enabled these tests have done something to ensure
that they wouldn't cause this to happen to "innocent" developers?

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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