Boost : |
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-05-25 14:49:56
David Abrahams wrote:
> Yeah, it looks like vc-7.0 is still eliminating some of the startup
> code. My biggest problem is that I don't understand what you're
> registering and where, and I can't understand the error messages I
> see. So for example, when I get an "unregistered class" exception,
> what does that mean? It isn't at all obvious what constitutes
> registration of a class.
Basically it means that it an attempt to retrieve an instance
from the global table of extended_type_info entries was
not successful. The main function of export.hpp is
to be sure that all that there is an extended_type_info entry
for each exported type. This could fail due to
compiler bug, bug in export.hpp or the user
might have failed to use BOOST_EXPORT for that
>>> I was able to clean up a *lot* of messy code.
>>> Would you like me to:
>>> 0. Check my code in on the trunk
>> Without having looked at anything, I'm assuming that export.hpp
>> has been pretty much replaced and I would be fine with
>> seeing it just checked into the trunk.
>> I wasn't aware that there
>> was a *lot* of messy code (except perhaps workarounds
>> for compiler quirks).
> Yes, a great deal of the mess was workarounds (sometimes workarounds
> that were not effective), but lots was just functionality implemented
> in ways that were needlessly convoluted.
>> Maybe we have a different criteria
>> for "messy". If this confined to a few modules, maybe the
>> most practical would be to email them to me so I might
>> have a look at them. If its a lot of modules, I would like
>> to consider it some more. Note that the trunk is undergoing
>> some flux as the adjustments to array serialization are
>> being integrated - this might affect the course of action
>> here.
> The large changes are confined to a few modules. There are lots of
> smaller changes.
> Just tell me what you want me to do.
might as well just check 'em in to the trunk
Robert Ramey
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk