Boost : |
From: Ronald Garcia (garcia_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-12-07 13:45:52
On Dec 7, 2006, at 12:55 PM, David Abrahams wrote:
> Jeff Garland <jeff_at_[hidden]> writes:
>> David Abrahams wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was just going through the boost-announce archives. I knew that
>>> some libraries that had passed review never made it into CVS, but I
>>> had no idea it was so many. Do we have somewhere a record of the
>>> status of all these libraries so I can see an accucrate record?
>> The record is kept here:
>> http://www.boost.org/more/formal_review_schedule.html
>> I believe it is pretty accurate.
> But all the rows indicating acceptance also say the libraries were
> added. I'm trying to find the accepted libraries that were accepted
> but not added. Well, it says IndexedSet was added, but I can't find
> libs/indexed*. Did it change names to MultiIndex maybe?
Hmm, I'm not sure about that one.
> The page says OutputFormatters was rejected. I guess I was misled by
> the boost-announce posting that said:
> "Pending Acceptation". In other words, it's considered Accepted by
> default, but since it will be redesigned, a new short review will
> take place.
> which I guess is equivalent to rejection.
The wording of this announcement was different from that for other
reviews. I suppose it might be better marked "Accepted
Provisionally". I was in contact with the authors of this library
for a time and unfortunately they were not able to prepare it for a
new review, so it's now equivalent to rejected since the provisions
are not being met.
> The page doesn't mention CollectionTraits.
That might be a reference to Container Traits, which was accepted,
but renamed to Boost.Range.
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk