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From: Tim Blechmann (tim_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-05-02 09:14:51

hi all,

first i need to say, i have been using the guid library in my computer
music system 'nova' for quite some time now, and several core parts
heavily rely on it.

> - What is your evaluation of the design?

the guid class is very easy to use and provides everything, that i
needed for my application ...
the only problems that i see, is the blocking implementation of
guid::create() in order to use it in largely multithreaded
environments, i would like to see an implementation with thread-local
storage for the random number generator instead of a single one, guarded
by a mutex...

> - What is your evaluation of the implementation?

from my point of view, it looks quite well-written. as it's a
header-only library, it's very straight-forward to use ...

> - What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library?

when looking for a uuid implementation, i didn't find another
implementation, that's that portable to other platforms ...

> - Did you try to use the library? With what compiler? Did you have any
> problems?

as stated above, i've been using the library for quite some time now.
it's successfully running under gcc-4.0 on osx and >=gcc-4.1 on linux.

however, i'm not sure about the naming of the library, whether it should
be called 'uuid' or 'guid'. afaik 'guid' is the term used for the m$
implementation of the uuid iso standard, which is the reason, why i
would be in favor of the term 'uuid'

i would like to see the guid libary as part of boost. nevertheless, i'll
continue to use the guid class, whether it is part of boost or not.

cheers, tim

tim_at_[hidden]    ICQ: 96771783
Question: Then what is the purpose of this "experimental" music?
Answer: No purposes. Sounds.
  John Cage

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