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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-07-08 12:23:21

Hi Ulrich, thanks for taking a look,

Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:
> On Saturday 07 July 2007 19:10:26 Peter Dimov wrote:
>> #398, "Support for embedded VC++ 4.0",
>> complains that shared_ptr doesn't compile under eVC++ 4.0 because
>> "'type_info' is not a member of 'std'".
>> Can someone who uses or has access to eVC++ 4.0 look at it?
> The obvious workaround for this is simply
> namespace std { using ::type_info; }

Probably, but have you tried it and does it work? It would need to be
guarded somehow, I guess?

> Alternatively, and I really suggest that, you could use STLport (the
> 5.x series work pretty well under CE) and get a) a mostly complete
> C++ stdlibrary and b) several of such workarounds already applied.

I don't need to use anything, just to resolve the ticket one way or the
other, and it specifically refers to eVC++ 4.0 in its default configuration.
There's no ticket for STLport since it works. :-)

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