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From: iain.denniston_at_[hidden]
Date: 2007-07-19 11:49:55

> > > There were some little interest for this in
> > > another thread here in boost. So, who has any
> > > experience in game programming, it would be
> > > interesting to layout some requirements for a
> > > new engine and complaints from other engines.
> > > See if we can find out how a game engine should
> > > really be.
> >
> > I have some experience with PC and
> > Playstation 2 games, teaching at Full Sail
> > ( and working in
> > industry.

Interesting idea - though I'm not sure the full fledged game engine is the
way to go there is definetely scope for creating some of the components IMO.
I have some experience of games from working in the industry - particularly
Xbox and PC on the graphics side of things. Gladly give any help I can -
though I'm far from an expert and (sadly) I'm not currently in the industry.

> Yeah, it's sad to see everybody making their own math
> libraries just because the ones "out there" don't take
> advantage of [M/S]IMD instructions provided by their
> favorite architecture, etc.

I played around with a SIMD abstraction layer for a while - the goal being
to create a thin wrapper around SIMD code to allow simple compile time
switches between different archtechtures SIMD implementations (particularly
x86 vs. PowerPC vs. Software - due to Xbox 360 and PC). I have the initial
code lying around somewhere if anyone is interested in such a library - it
certianly may smooth over some of the headaches of creating such maths
libraries (although the performance characteristics may not be ideal).


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