Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] Official warnings policy?
From: Patrick Horgan (phorgan1_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-11-10 16:09:45
Jeffrey Bosboom wrote:
> Patrick Horgan wrote:
>> But redundant. It's already built into gcc to do this. If you
>> just have
>> the pragma and then build with -Wsystem-headers it turns the
>> warnings back
>> on. No sense in reinventing the wheel.
>> Cheers,
>> Patrick
> But wouldn't that also cause the standard library and other actual
> system headers to generate warnings? It would presumably be difficult
> to pick out the Boost warnings from the standard library ones, just as
> Boost users currently complain about picking out warnings from their
> code amidst Boost warnings.
That's a great point. Really, I would not use that pragma at all. I
would make the header not generate errors, or silence individual ones.
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