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Subject: Re: [boost] Let's use stack exchange!
From: Scott McMurray ([hidden])
Date: 2010-04-16 11:52:35

On 16 April 2010 09:26, Eric MALENFANT
<Eric.Malenfant_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> De : Scott McMurray
>> You "win" on Stack Overflow by refreshing like mad and putting in the
>> barest of answers as quickly as possible to get "first post", then
>> editing just enough to make it acceptable so others don't look at it
>> since it already has an accepted answer.  I doubt that system will
>> find the kind of people we want as arbiters of the contents of Boost.
> Just wondering: This is possibly more related to the size, variety, or "culture" of the "stackoverflow community" than a consequence of the system itself. Things may be different in an eventual "boostoverflow community".

That is possible, though I do think a non-negligible cause is the
extrinsic motivation of the "reputation" number. On the mailing list
there's no editing and no counters.

Anyways, I do think that StackOverflow could be useful for some of the
Boost-Users list content, but why would we want a separate one? It
seems like there's already a "BoostOverflow" at that people are
welcome to use for the kinds of questions that the StackOverflow
interface is best at.

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