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Subject: Re: [boost] [1.44] Beta progress?
From: Eric Niebler (eric_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-07-21 18:01:38

On 7/21/2010 6:32 PM, Robert Ramey wrote:
> Eric Niebler wrote:
>>>> Based upon your messages, it's not clear to me what this "fix" does.
>> It makes binary archives distinguishable from their incompatible
>> pre-1.42 variants. It provides a standalone utility to help users fix
>> their broken binary archives from 1.42 and 1.43. It requires users
>> that inherit from a binary archive to manually fix their code.
>> (does/does not?) help users identify these places in their code.
> There's no problem in user's code.

You wrote:

> I spent a fair amount of time reconciling all the above.
> This does require a change in archives which derive
> from binary_?archive. I am sorry about that, but I
> could find no other way to reconcile all the requirments.

So, does your fix require users to change their archive classes or not?

>>>> or does it make it so that serialization in
>>>> 1.44 will be able to read binary archives from 1.42/43?
>> No.
> YES !!!

You wrote:

> So
> I've had to add a program which will fix
> native binary archives writting by versions
> 1.42 and 1.43. I realise this is a huge pain
> but I don't see any other way.

If the new serialization version can read binary archives from 1.42/43
without any conversion (YES !!!), what is the purpose of the program you
describe above? I'm still confused.

Eric Niebler
BoostPro Computing

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