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Subject: Re: [boost] [chrono] Split into Stopwatches, Chrono, Ratio and TypeTraits.ext
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-09-08 03:24:14

Roland Bock wrote:
> On 09/07/2010 09:53 PM, vicente.botet wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The dependencies are:
>> Boost.TypeTraits.Ext
>> Boost Ratio
>> Boost.Chrono -> TypeTraits.Ext, Ratio
>> Boost.Stopwatches -> Boost.Chrono
>> You are right. It make no sense to revie a library until its
>> dependencies are accepted.

Hmmm- what happens if a pre-requisite library isn't accepted?
Does that mean that the subsequent one can't be? Or does
it mean that the subsequent one can be only if it includes
the pre-requisite library as an implementation detail? Does
that make any sense.

This has actually come up before but has never been
addressed explicitly - nor satisfactorily in my opinion.

Robert Ramey

>> Vicente
> BTW, are there still dependencies to changes/additions to
> Boost.Thread? _______________________________________________
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