Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] [Git] Moving beyond arm waving?
From: John Wiegley (johnw_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-02-03 14:52:03
Daniel James <dnljms_at_[hidden]> writes:
> Some of the header files seem to be corrupted, for example:
> https://github.com/boost-lib/boost-history/blob/trunk/boost/indirect_reference.hpp
> I noticed this after noticing that in an old commit which removed the
> executable property from a load of files, the files were all marked as
> binary. The commit had hash
> '9b6259531efaa4f7f9bc207425951fdb77116640'.
That's exactly the kind of feedback I need. Thanks, Daniel! I'll get this
fixed and update the repository.
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