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Subject: Re: [boost] [locale] Formal review of Boost.Local library -- need reviews!
From: Artyom (artyomtnk_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-04-14 10:42:00

> Anyway, how does it play with Qt and wxwindows e.g.? I can't find about

> this on the docs.

I'm not too familiar with wxWdgets, but in all related to Qt I must
admit that Qt does not plays well (if at all) with standard C++ library
and STL.

It has its own string (QString) its own character (QChar - two bytes) its
own locale object (QLocale) and its own tools for localization.

Of course nothing prevents from you using Boost.Locale with Qt however
it would be bounded and limited by the integration of Qt with STL.

For example you would likely want to use things like

   QString s=QString::fromStdString((format(translate("The time is {1,time}")) %

However I can say that in case of Gtkmm it would be likely
better as it is much more STL friendly in comparison to Qt.

Boost.Locale works with standard library concepts so
its integration with other frameworks strictly depends
on their integration with STL.


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