Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] [locale] Review results for Boost.Locale library
From: Artyom (artyomtnk_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-04-25 14:55:25
> From: Ryou Ezoe <boostcpp_at_[hidden]>
> Sort by code point is not the best solution.
> But at least, it's consistent if we use one encoding.
No it is not, UCS encoding has different order
in different representations:
UTF-8 and UTF-32 order is consistent i.e.
for each a,b in utf8(a) < utf8(b) iff utf32(a) < utf32(b)
However this is not correct for UTF-16 where codepoints
outside of BMP has different ordering. i.e.
It may be that codepoint (a) > codepoint(b) but UTF-16(a) sorted before
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