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Subject: Re: [boost] Proposal for a Differential Evolution C++ library
From: Oliver Kullmann (O.Kullmann_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-09 19:47:38

> I took a peak at the overview and some of the other pages and from
> what I can see initially, it looks like a very useful library for
> artificial intelligence. I have very limited knowledge in the field
> but this is something that grabs my interest, so if it's made public
> I'll definitely use it for future projects that would benefit from
> it. Of course whether it is suitable for Boost is for others to
> determine.
> Philip Bennefall

It seems to me that the application domain is not "artificial intelligence",
but arbitrary optimisation problems.
In general, I would like to see more algorithms in Boost.
This library seems a good example, judging from its applicability:
it seems to be widely applicable.


Dr. Oliver Kullmann
Department of Computer Science
College of Science, Swansea University
Faraday Building, Singleton Park
Swansea SA2 8PP, UK

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