Boost : |
Subject: [boost] update from 1_44 to 1_48: build questions
From: Oliver Kullmann (O.Kullmann_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-09 20:24:48
we want to update from 1_44_0 to 1_48_0.
Our old build-process is as follows (for Linux):
1. cd tools/jam/src
2. CC="$(gcc_call)" CFLAGS="-fno-strict-aliasing" ./build.sh cc
3. cp bin.*/bjam $(boost_base_build_dir)
4. cd ../../..
5. echo "using gcc : $(gcc_version) : $(gcc_call) : ;" > $(boost_base_build_dir)/bjam_config
6. $(boost_base_build_dir)/bjam
--without-python --without-wave --without-mpi
-sBZIP2_INCLUDE=$(bzip2_source_library) -sBZIP2_LIBPATH=$(bzip2_link_library)
It seems that "b2" is (just) bjam? However it is not really clear from the
documentation how to build (and use) bjam (apparently via boostrap?)?
And then apparently some of the above parameters of bjam, for example prefix,
are now parameters of bootstrap?
We would be glad if somebody could tell us (or some link) how to
update the above process.
Thanks in any case for your consideration.
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk