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Subject: Re: [boost] update from 1_44 to 1_48: build questions
From: Oliver Kullmann (O.Kullmann_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-11 10:43:21
Hi Steven,
Reply by Steven Watanabe:
--- On 12/09/2011 05:24 PM, Oliver Kullmann wrote: > we want to update from 1_44_0 to 1_48_0. > Our old build-process is as follows (for Linux): > > 1. cd tools/jam/src > 2. CC="$(gcc_call)" CFLAGS="-fno-strict-aliasing" ./build.sh cc > 3. cp bin.*/bjam $(boost_base_build_dir) > 4. cd ../../.. > 5. echo "using gcc : $(gcc_version) : $(gcc_call) : ;" > $(boost_base_build_dir)/bjam_config > 6. $(boost_base_build_dir)/bjam > --user-config=$(boost_base_build_dir)/bjam_config > --prefix=$(boost_installation_dir) > --build-dir=$(boost_build_dir) > install > --without-python --without-wave --without-mpi > -sBZIP2_INCLUDE=$(bzip2_source_library) -sBZIP2_LIBPATH=$(bzip2_link_library) > > It seems that "b2" is (just) bjam? Yep. > However it is not really clear from the > documentation how to build (and use) bjam (apparently via boostrap?)? > And then apparently some of the above parameters of bjam, for example prefix, > are now parameters of bootstrap? > > We would be glad if somebody could tell us (or some link) how to > update the above process. > I think the above should still work. bootstrap is really just to simplify the process for users who don't want anything special. In Christ, Steven Watanabe --- thanks for the answer! We accordingly replaced the path tools/jam/src by tools/build/v2/engine and it all works now. Oliver
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