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Subject: Re: [boost] Slow Bugs Tracker
From: Lars Viklund (zao_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-11 14:59:15

On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 04:49:29PM +0100, Olaf van der Spek wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 12:26 PM, Olaf van der Spek <ml_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> >
> > I assume we agree on the performance problems of the current tracker, right?
> Lars?

In my eyes, the problem is not with the tracker. It's the
underdimensioned set of servers we have. Rene probably has decent
figures on what things are consuming the server resources, and might
have a decent battle plan for migration to more servers.

I don't see any point in jumping to conclusions about whether a piece of
software should be replaced simply because the net load of all services
is high.

Everything on the server is collectively slow to some
degree, may it be web, trac, svn, regression tables, etc.

A more productive avenue of investigation would be to find out whether
services can be deployed over more machines, and whether that would
improve things.

Lars Viklund | zao_at_[hidden]

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