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Subject: Re: [boost] (Boost.)Overload vs Boost.Functional/OverloadedFunction (was Re: Status of proposed boost.overload?)
From: Marco Cecchetti (mrcekets_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-03-26 05:20:12

On Sun, 25 Mar 2012 00:15:38 +0100, lcaminiti <lorcaminiti_at_[hidden]>

> How's this different from:

Hi Lorenzo,
(Boost.)Overload is a dynamic wrapper of multiple callable objects.
All started from a Joel de Guzman's post where he showed a proof
of concept of a thin-wrapper of several Boost.Functions.
On that code base, I designed (Boost.)Overload that provides an
interface similar to Boost.Function.

A first difference is that with (Boost.)Overload is possible
to create an empty boost::overload object, and then set up
callable targets at a later time, obviously the library provides
methods for checking if a given callable target is empty.
That matches exactly what Boost.Function does.
Here's a basic example extracted from the tutorial:

#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <boost/overload.hpp>

int int_sum(int x, int y)
             return x + y;

float float_inc(float x )
             return x + 1.0f;

int main()
             boost::overload<int (int, int ), float (float )> f;

             f.set(&int_sum); // here automatic call signature
             f.set(&float_inc); // deduction occurs

             int r1 = f(1, 2); // invokes int_sum
             float r2 = f(3.0f); // invokes float_inc

             BOOST_ASSERT( r1 == 3 );
             BOOST_ASSERT( r2 == 4.0f );

             return boost::report_errors();

One can set all callable targets at once: f.set(&float_inc, &int_sum).
Order does not matter, the callable entity is assigned
automatically to the embedded boost::function with a matching call
signature. However that works for monomorphic callable objects only.

For polymorphic one it is needed to utilize the set method based
on the call signature syntax:

#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <boost/overload.hpp>

/* polymorphic function object */
struct bar
             int operator()(int ) { return 1; }

             template<typename T>
             int operator()(T ) { return ( 2 + sizeof(T) ); }

int main()
             boost::overload<int (int ), int (char ), int (double )> f;

             // function object
             bar foo;

             // we use the call signature syntax for setting a copy of
             // foo as object target for the call signature int (char )
             // only
             f.set<int (char )>(foo);
             // invokes int foo(char ) template instantiation
             BOOST_ASSERT( f('x') == foo('x') );
             // through the empty<Signature>() method we check
             // that no other object target has been set up
             BOOST_ASSERT( f.empty<int(int )>() );
             BOOST_ASSERT( f.empty<int(double )>() );

             // now we set a copy of foo as object target tied to
             // the call signature int( int )
             f.set<int (int )>(foo);
             BOOST_ASSERT( f('x') == foo('x') );
             BOOST_ASSERT( f(1) == foo(1) );
             BOOST_ASSERT( f.empty<int(double )>() );

             // and finally we set up also the object target
             // for the int(double ) call signature
             f.set<int (double )>(foo);
             BOOST_ASSERT( f('x') == foo('x') );
             BOOST_ASSERT( f(1) == foo(1) );
             BOOST_ASSERT( f(1.0) == foo(1.0) );

             return boost::report_errors();

In case we are dealing with a statefull function object copying
it several times is both expensive and probably also semantically
incorrect. The solution is to wrap the function object with

The call signature based syntax can be used with overloaded free
and member functions, too.

Another point where the two libraries differ is that
a boost::overload object that supports a given call signature S
can be passed everywhere an object of type boost::function<S> is

Lately I implemented also support for boost::result_of.
So it is possible to utilize (Boost.)Overload with Boost.Fusion
algorithms such as boost::fusion::for_each.

A natural use case is to utilize (Boost.)Overload for generating
a Boost.Variant visitor:

#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <boost/overload.hpp>

     typename Overload,
     typename R = ::boost::detail::static_visitor_default_return
struct overloaded_visitor : public Overload
             typedef R result_type;

int apply_to_int(int )
             return 1;

int apply_to_string(const std::string & )
             return 2;

typedef boost::overload<int (int ), int(const std::string & )>

typedef overloaded_visitor<overload_type, int> visitor_type;

int main()

             boost::variant< int, std::string > u("hello world");

             visitor_type my_visitor;
             my_visitor.set( &apply_to_int, &apply_to_string );

             int result = boost::apply_visitor( my_visitor, u );
             BOOST_ASSERT( result == 2 );

             return boost::report_errors();

You can find more details on the documentation page:

Kind Regards,
-- Marco

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