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Subject: [boost] [pool2] Requests for comment
From: DUPUIS Etienne (e.dupuis_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-10-09 03:32:43
I am currently working on a replacement for boost ::pool. I have a few questions regarding what would be an ideal implementation. Hopefully some members of the Boost mailing list will be able to help me answering these questions. The first question requires to look at the source code; my other questions are more general.
First question :
I have started by defining a pool object which manage fixed size buffers of a given object type. Documented code is found here : http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox/pool2/boost/pool/pool.hpp. The code is short and hopefully well documented. Note that the 'ThreadSafe' template parameter is currently ignored; I have not implemented thread safety yet.
My question is about the "pool growth policy". This policy defines how the pool grows when it needs to allocate more memory. This policy is given as a parameter to the pool constructor. Should this policy be a template argument instead ? Moreover, if the policy is a template argument, I could add a constant 'MaximumNumberOfTimesThePoolWillBeGrown' into the policy class. This constant would allow me to replace the std::vector() which holds allocated pointers with a static array. Is this the right solution ?
Other questions :
- I have defined a pool class which manage fixed sized buffers of some object T. Do we also need a pool class that can manage variable sized buffers of some object T ?
- From a pool, I can implement a pool_allocator which inherits from std::allocator, exactly like it was done in the original boost::pool. Do we need something else ?
Thank you for your valuable insights,
Etienne Dupuis
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