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Subject: Re: [boost] [gsoc-2013] Boost.Thread/ThreadPool project
From: Vicente J. Botet Escriba (vicente.botet_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-05-02 14:40:06
Le 02/05/13 17:24, pavel a écrit :
> Dan wrote on Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 13:58:35:
>> Thank you very much for the feedback, suggestions, guidance and the
>> really fast answers.
>> [1] http://danlincan.3owl.com/gsoc/final-proposal.pdf
>> [2] http://danlincan.3owl.com/gsoc/Proposal.pdf
> perhaps not _this_ time, that is not this 2013 GSOC, but eventually
> you may want to consider a lock-free priority queue algorithm for
> storing tasks and not use locks
It was in my mind to reuse Boos.LookFree queue. Why do you need a
priority queue here?
> although lock-free algorithms are somewhat hard to comprehend, all the
> more so about _priority_ queues, but in the end that's, beside other
> things, what one would expect from modern implementation of thread pool
> moreover, you, as a student loving algorithms and analysis, may like
> to dig into the lock-free algorithms in general
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