Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] [1.55.0] Release Notes
From: Antony Polukhin (antoshkka_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-09-30 10:07:11
2013/9/29 Daniel James <daniel_at_[hidden]>
> Hello,
> If you haven't already, can you write your release notes for 1.55? You
> can send them to me
Please add the following:
* [phrase library..[@/libs/any/ Any]:]
* `boost::bad_any_cast` exception is now visible across modules [ticket
* Added `clear()` member function.
* Added missing `BOOST_NOEXCEPT`.
* [phrase library..[@/libs/circular_buffer/ Circular Buffer]:]
* Added support for rvalue references and rvalue references emulation
using Boost.Move. Values are moved only if value type has noexcept move
constructor and noexcept move assignment operator [ticket 7888]. Now
Circular Buffer is usable with move-only types.
* Much better documentation.
* [phrase library..[@/libs/conversion/lexical_cast.htm Lexical cast]:]
* `std::bad_alloc` exceptions are now are not converted to
`boost::bad_lexical_cast` [ticket 8966].
* Added static assert that checks for `std::numeric_limits`
specializations if they are required for conversion. Use `BOOST_HAS_INT128`
for detecting 128 bit integers support [ticket 8790].
* Documentation improved and more usage examples added.
* [phrase library..[@/libs/filesystem/ Filesystem]:]
* Fixed Android compilation [ticket 8706].
* [phrase library..[@/libs/timer/ Timer]:]
* Fixed compilation on Intel compiler [ticket 8956].
* [phrase library..[@/libs/type_traits/ Type Traits]:]
* Added `is_copy_contructible` trait [ticket 8802].
* [phrase library..[@/libs/variant/ Variant]:]
* Fixed compilation of constructor and assignment operator with const
rvalues input parameters [ticket 8988].
* Fixed compilation of move assignment operator for situations when one
of the variant template classes has nothrow copy constructor and throwing
move constructor [ticket 8772].
* Fix compilation on exception-disabled environments [ticket 8717].
* Fix unreachable code warnings [ticket 8665].
* Removed duplicate code [ticket 7601].
* Docs for Circular Buffer were improved by Paul A. Bristow, he may also
add some notes later.
* Type Traits had some more changes, John Maddock is aware of that and
possibly will add some more comments.
-- Best regards, Antony Polukhin
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk