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Subject: Re: [boost] [review] Last day for formal review for Sort library
From: DUPUIS Etienne (e.dupuis_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-11-21 06:25:17

------ Message d'origine ------
De : "Steven Ross" <spreadsort_at_[hidden]>
À : "boost_at_[hidden]" <boost_at_[hidden]>
Envoyé 21/11/2014 06:01:24
Objet : Re: [boost] [review] Last day for formal review for Sort library

>Thanks for your input Dupuis.
>I do have some basic usage snippets in the documentation, but the idea
>behind the links to the full example code is that I'll maintain the
>and nothing necessary to run the code is missing. Would it help if I
>created a library to pull most of the I/O code out of the examples, so
>most of what is visible is sorting?
Indeed there are already some code snippets at the bottom of the
reference pages, I just did not saw them, I am sorry for that, I looked
for sample on the first page and saw right away that they were located
in separate files hence went to open and read these files.

Perhaps in the content page the item 'Reference' could be changed to
'Reference and Samples' or the samples could be put on their own page ?
There are many developpers who looks first for samples and then for API
reference once they have grabbed the basic usage of an API.

The file samples as they are are fine in my opinion, there is no need to
pull out the I/O code.

>I'm confused. This code snippet is almost identical to the one at the
>bottom of the integer_sort.html page. What am I missing?
You are of course right.

>>Consider for example :
>> // --------------- Start of code snippet ------------------------
>> struct Md5Sum {
>> uint8_t bytes[16];
>> bool operator<(const Md5Sum& md5) const {
>> for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++)
>> if (bytes[k] < md5.bytes[k])
>> return true;
>> return false;
>> }
>> };
>This seems very similar to the structure example at the bottom of
>string_sort.html. How is this example superior to that one?
Very similar. In that case, it was not immediately obvious to me that I
could use string_sort() to sort binary data. Perhaps adding a sentence
to that effect in the introduction or overloading section would be nice.

Regards, and thanks for your work,

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