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Subject: Re: [boost] LIB CSV
From: Klaim - Joël Lamotte (mjklaim_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-08-04 12:41:27

On 4 August 2017 at 12:56, Greger via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> During some time I have created this CSV library:
> <a href="">htt
> p://</a>
> (For processing of CSV tables)
> any use?good?bad?

a few quick remarks:

 - unfortunately there is no standard CSV format,
    but it's still think it would be useful to have a way to read the most
popular variants;
 - it would be far easier for people to check this if the code was readable
without having to download a zip file;
   for example putting the code on github or bitbucket is free and helps
for people to get an idea of how you
    doe the thing the library does;
- Why the complex name? what is Qx?
- "The table uses implicitly base64 encoding for cells" I have no idea what
this mean. I understand how Unicode encodings work but not this.

About the code:
 - I don't think storing all the data in an object is the best approach;
 - there is a lot of discutable interface choice, but I don't have time to
list them all right now :/
 - don't open files inside the thing that read csv. You don't knkow where
the csv data might come from,
    so just take iterators as input and let the user open the file or get
it from memory or network for you;

Joël Lamotte

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