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Subject: Re: [boost] Trac
From: jrmarsha (jrmarsha_at_[hidden])
Date: 2018-09-01 04:02:54

On 8/31/18 11:22 AM, John Maddock via Boost wrote:
>> When I looked, there were already trivial pull requests pending.
> OK good, what I'm saying is that in that case, most of the work is in
> triaging the PR's and issues, and then saying to the CMT - "here's the
> list of trivial ones that I've checked over, please merge for me, or
> give me permission to do so".
> Making sure that there is good CI coverage is probably the first step
> though - once we have that it's much easier to be sure of the PR's. 
> Looks like at the moment there's travis support but it only does
> gcc-4.8/linux and no std variations or OS X support.  Also no appveyor
> support?  If you can file a PR (if there isn't one already) to bring
> those up to best-of-breed I think I might have permission to merge
> that for you.  Unfortunately activating appveyor isn't retro-active
> for existing PR's I believe (anyone confirm that?), so you might need
> to consolidate some of the existing PR's into perhaps a smaller number
> of new ones just to get CI coverage :(
> HTH, John.

I've made a first PR which deals with some of the first important bugfix
PR's.  I'd like a review and pull into the devel branch.

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