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Subject: Re: [boost] [histogram] Finalising version for submission
From: Hans Dembinski (hans.dembinski_at_[hidden])
Date: 2018-10-22 16:26:01
> On 22. Oct 2018, at 18:05, Peter Dimov via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Hans Dembinski wrote:
>> The switch from C++11 to C++14 would help me to make the library implementation simpler, it does not affect the user side. I originally chose C++11 to support older compilers, accepting the increased code complexity as a trade-off. But writing out-of-place structs in the detail namespace to emulate `if constexpr` is not really nice and now that I want to make the library even more flexible, I need to do something like `if constexpr` even more often. With C++14 I can at least emulate `if constexpr` with in-place lambdas, which makes the implementation more readable and compact.
> As I said, it's not a problem if the review manager and the reviewers do not object.
Ok, I am going to write the reviewers about the switch from C++11 to C++14.
>> I don't see myself "baiting and switching". I am implementing features that were requested during the review.
> The reference to bait and switch was a general response about the procedure and the claim that the author - in general - can do whatever he likes. It wasn't about this specific case, and I in no way imply that you are employing bait and switch of any kind.
Ok, thanks for clarifying. I assumed that it was a general comment, but preemptively gave my view of the situation in case my assumption was incorrect. ;)
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