Boost : |
From: Joana Modesto Hrotko (joana.hrotko_at_[hidden])
Date: 2020-02-08 16:44:23
Dear Boost community,
I am a Master's student and currently working on my Master thesis.
My Master Thesis consists in implementing the k2-tree data structure in
C++ and one of the additional proposals for my thesis would be to
integrate my code with the boost graph library.I believe this
would bring great value to the boost library and also it would provide a
better validation for my work.
So my question is if this would be something of interest for the library
to integrate with boost graph library.
The k2-tree have been proved successful to represent in a very compact
way different kinds of binary relations, such as web graphs, RDFs or
raster data.
Binary relations can be an abstraction to represent the relation between
the objects of two collections of different nature: graphs, trees,
strings, among others. They can be used in several low-level structures
within a more complex information retrieval system, or even replace one
of the most used one: an inverted index can be regarded as a binary
between the vocabulary of terms and the documents where they appear.
it can represent the relation between terms and web pages, or even
networks or the connection between the web pages in the Web, which is
represented as a web graph. k2-trees have been also used in other
such as geographical and RDF data, or images.
Brisaboa, Nieves R., et al. "Compressed representation of dynamic binary
relations with applications." Information Systems 69 (2017): 106-123.
Coimbra, Miguel E., et al. "On dynamic succinct graph representations."
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.03195 (2019).
Thank you in advance for your attention
Best regards,
Joana Hrotkó
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk