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From: Kostas Savvidis (kotika98_at_[hidden])
Date: 2020-03-04 16:47:52

> On Mar 4, 2020, at 16:24, Ruben Perez via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Just to clarify, this is *not* a wrapper around the MySQL C API, it is an
> implementation of the MySQL protocol based in ASIO.

I would like to know if your software also manages the network protocol complexities?
1) Can one can talk to a server over a unix pipe or only over IP network?
2) In all DBI systems I have seen,
example code starts with creating a connection object and then nobody explains to the
casual user like me what is supposed to happen if the connection to the database is to be maintained over hours or days. Does your library manage this or are we still supposed to write all the connection checking and reconnection code manually?


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