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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2023-04-27 14:56:12

On 4/26/23 8:02 AM, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
> - No existing solution meets our needs, so we have to write it ourselves

The above sentence is a huge red flag.

Boost has a history making it's own tools:

a) documentation chain
b) build system - Bjam
c) build system - CMake integration
c) CI
d) GitHub integration
d) probably some others I forgot

It's not a great history. In fact, I spend more time getting boost
tools to work than I do working on boost software.

Like most computer projects, it turns out to be a lot of work which
drags on forever and is constantly fiddled with to make work. When the
work becomes tedious enthusiasm peters out and were stuck with something
that "can be made to work".

I fail to see what is to be gained by replacing the current system.

Robert Ramey

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