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From: Bjørn Roald (bjorn.roald_at_[hidden])
Date: 2023-10-03 07:35:01

> On 3 Oct 2023, at 09:04, Klemens Morgenstern via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> Well, if we're going for fun, then i dare to propose Boost.ACE, which
>> would stand for Asio Coroutine Extensions.

Well that name may work, but it is sort of a throw-off for me as I am old enough to know about the Adaptive Communication Environment (ACE):¿¼

As ACE address related in problem domains, and as it still is live and kicking in its own corners of the C++ world, such a name choice begs the question of what the relation is. So for what it is worth, to me that name is taken to mean something else. Sorry.

Also, without having had time to review the proposed Boost.Async as closely as I would like to form an opinion on acceptance. I have read the docs and I was really hoping the ASIO dependency was more of a backend issue in need of executors. If so, adding ASIO in its name is perhaps a poor choice.


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