Boost logo

Boost :

From: Ion Gaztañaga (igaztanaga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-07-18 08:18:32

El 18/07/2024 a las 4:41, Joel de Guzman via Boost escribió:
> OK. Now my memory has been refreshed. Zoltan Juhasz (the winner) was
> asked to design the beehive logo
> and indeed it was discussed privately by the Boost Moderators and me
> CC'd in the discussions. Thanks for
> clearing that up.
> FWIW, the active participants in the discussion were Beman Dawes, Dave
> Abrahams, Jeff Garland, John
> Maddock, me and the contest winner, Zoltan Juhasz who iterated over a
> few designs.

You can see the "public" process info in Wayback Machine:

* * * * * *

It's a bit strange:

"This is a tough decision. Based on the IRV program the winner is
supposed to be Simeon Nasilowski, entry number 67. However, entry 67
clearly fails to meet one of the requirements:

The logo must be free of any copyright or other intellectual property

It was noted by Eric Niebler, and confirmed by others that entry 67 has
a glaring similarity to the marketing imagery of Visual Studio. See: Hence, entry number 75 by Zoltan "cad" Juhasz
will have to be the winner. Congratulations Zoltan!"

* * * * * *

So organizers decided not to use the most voted one, but Zoltan's
winning proposal is not the current logo. So we can't say current design
was a community decision at all. I don't know if "the logo must be free
of any copyright or other intellectual property claims" technically
correct, if someone needs to "enforce" its fair use as both Vinnie and
David have stated.



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