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From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-09 17:11:41

On 8/9/24 17:59, Peter Dimov via Boost wrote:
> Vinnie Falco wrote:
>> Here are some review managers who I believe are well-suited for the task:
>> Ion Gatzanaga
>> John Maddock
>> Glen Fernandes
>> Peter Dimov
>> If Glen or Peter accept, it would be appropriate for them to first resign
>> from the Boost Foundation board.
> Let me put it this way, I fully trust Glen to be able to manage this,
> or any other, review without having to resign from the board first.

It might be ironic, but the review manager will eventually have to
decide the fate of Boost based on the community response that may not be
a clear "option 1" or "option 2". Given that Boost Foundation's mission
is to resolve such deadlocks, it seems fitting for either of you to act
as a review manager while still being members of the Foundation. :)

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