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From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-06 16:41:55

On 9/6/24 18:04, Christian Mazakas via Boost wrote:
> Disclaimer: Alliance employee
> Hi, I'm a little confused at what the Boost Foundation put forth.
> The opening review email states:
>> To be clear, the review is not about deciding governance over Boost
>> C++ library development. That remains in the hands of the Boost
>> developer community.
> But TBF's proposal seems entirely to be governance-related.
> In terms of asset stewardship, it's kind of a no-brainer to choose the
> organization that _didn't_ almost lose the domain name. Plus, the
> Alliance has Sam Darwin and he's infallible.
> But to the Boost Foundation's credit, I found myself agreeing with a lot of
> the points being mentioned. Boost _should_ consider introducing a formal
> CoC. Boost _should_ officially migrate to CMake and being direct here: this
> does mean completely abandoning b2.
> We need to revitalize Boost with the youth culture and to the youth, these
> things matter quite a bit.

If CoC and inclusivity is what matters most to those who you refer to as
"youth" then I would prefer those people to be *not* part of Boost. Let
them convene in their SJW parties somewhere else, please.

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