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From: Alexey Pakhunov (alexeypa_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-09-22 15:33:26
Vladimir Prus wrote:
> What does it mean for 'use' to return false? Should be emit an error or
> warning if it returns false?
It should fire an error but only if the list of options differs from the
one saved in $(.versions). Fixed. Now it work so:
# valid scenario 1
usage msvc : 8.0 ;
usage msvc : 8.0 ;
# valid scenario 2
usage msvc : 8.0 : foo/bar ;
usage msvc : 8.0 ;
# invalid scenario
usage msvc : 8.0 ;
usage msvc : 8.0 : foo/bar ; # error
The last line will fire an error because it tries to change settings
that are already in use.
> Also, the patch does not apply cleanly for me, a pretty large block of changes
> is rejected, both by "patch" and by emacs. Can you regenerate the diff against
> the current CVS state. And it would be better to use unified diff format
> ('cvs diff -u'), not the context diff you're using.
> Also, will "using msvc ; " still work when I have nothing in
registry, > but cl.exe in in PATH?
This question is more related to this patch. It will work. Just tested it.
Best regards/Venlig hilsen,
Alexey Pakhunov.
--------------020809030606010008060305 Content-Type: text/plain;
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Index: msvc.jam
RCS file: /cvsroot/boost/boost/tools/build/v2/tools/msvc.jam,v
retrieving revision 1.52
diff -u -r1.52 msvc.jam
--- msvc.jam 22 Sep 2005 13:51:58 -0000 1.52
+++ msvc.jam 22 Sep 2005 20:25:27 -0000
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
import path ;
import sequence : unique ;
import common ;
+import "class" : new ;
import rc ;
if [ MATCH (--debug-configuration) : [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ]
@@ -30,8 +30,12 @@
# to be seen, though ;-)
+# List of all registered configurations
+.versions = [ new configurations ] ;
RM = [ common.rm-command ] ;
# Initialize the toolset for a specific version. As the result, path to
# compiler and, possible, program names are set up, and will be used when
# that version of compiler is requested. For example, you might have::
@@ -54,121 +58,213 @@
# Note: for free VC7.1 tools, we don't correctly find vcvars32.bar when user
# explicitly provides a path.
rule init (
- version ? # the msvc version which is being configured. When omitted
+ version ? # the msvc version which is being configured. When omitted
# the tools invoked when no explicit version is given will be configured.
: command *
- # the command to invoke the compiler. If not specified:
- # - if version is given, default location for that version will be searched
- #
- # - if version is not given, default locations for 7.1, 7.0 and 6.* will
- # be searched
- #
- # - if compiler is not found in default locations, PATH will be searched.
+ # the command to invoke the compiler. If not specified:
+ # - if version is given, default location for that version will be searched
+ #
+ # - if version is not given, default locations for 7.1, 7.0 and 6.* will
+ # be searched
+ #
+ # - if compiler is not found in default locations, PATH will be searched.
: options *
- # options can include <setup>, <compiler>, <assembler>, <linker> and <resource-compiler>
+ # options can include <setup>, <compiler>, <assembler>, <linker> and <resource-compiler>
- # setup will be used if a path has been specified. If setup is
- # not specified, vcvars32.bat will be used instead.
- setup = [ get-values <setup> : $(options) ] ;
- setup ?= vcvars32.bat ;
- compiler = [ get-values <compiler> : $(options) ] ;
- compiler ?= cl ;
- linker = [ get-values <linker> : $(options) ] ;
- linker ?= link ;
- resource-compiler = [ get-values <resource-compiler> : $(options) ] ;
- resource-compiler ?= rc ;
- assembler = [ get-values <assembler> : $(options) ] ;
- assembler ?= ml ;
- local condition = [ common.check-init-parameters msvc :
- version $(version) ] ;
- # If version is specified, we try to search first in default paths,
- # and only then in PATH.
- command = [ common.get-invocation-command msvc : cl.exe : $(command)
- : [ default-paths $(version) ] : $(version) ] ;
- common.handle-options msvc : $(condition) : $(command) : $(options) ;
if $(command)
- {
- command = [ common.get-absolute-tool-path $(command[-1]) ] ;
+ {
+ options += <command>$(command) ;
- local root = $(command:D) ;
- setup = $(root)\\bin\\$(setup) ;
- # CONSIDER: What's the point of 'call'. Can we invoke the script directly?
- setup = "call \""$(setup)"\" > nul " ;
- if [ os.name ] = NT
+ configure $(version) : $(options) ;
+# 'configure' is a newer version of 'init'. The parameter 'command' is passed as
+# a part of the 'options' list.
+rule configure (
+ version ? :
+ options *
+ )
+ switch $(version)
- setup = $(setup)"
-" ;
+ case all :
+ if $(options)
+ {
+ error "msvc: options should be empty when 'all' is specified" ;
+ }
+ # use all detected versions
+ for local v in [ $(.versions).all ]
+ {
+ configure-really $(v) ;
+ }
+ case "default" :
+ configure-really : $(options) ;
+ case * :
+ configure-really $(version) : $(options) ;
- else
+local rule configure-really (
+ version ? :
+ options *
+ )
+ # If no version supplied use the default configuration. Note that condition
+ # remains versionless.
+ local v = $(version) ;
+ if ! $(v)
- setup = "cmd /S /C "$(setup)" \"&&\" " ;
+ # take the first detected version
+ version = [ $(.versions).all ] ;
+ version = $(version[1]) ;
+ # Note: 'version' can still be empty at this point if no versions were
+ # detected.
+ version ?= "default" ;
- # prefix with setup, or quoted path if any
- local prefix = $(setup) ;
- flags msvc.compile .CC $(condition) : $(prefix)$(compiler) ;
- flags msvc.compile .RC $(condition) : $(prefix)$(resource-compiler) ;
- flags msvc.compile .ASM $(condition) : $(prefix)$(assembler) ;
- flags msvc.link .LD $(condition) : $(prefix)$(linker) ;
- flags msvc.archive .LD $(condition) : $(prefix)$(linker) ;
- if ! $(version)
+ # Check whether selected configuration is used already
+ if $(version) in [ $(.versions).used ]
+ {
+ # Allow multiple 'toolset.usage' calls for the same configuration
+ # if the identical sets of options are used
+ if $(options) && ( $(options) != [ $(.versions).get $(version) : options ] )
+ {
+ error "msvc: the toolset version '$(version)' is configured already" ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
- # Even if version is not explicitly specified, try to detect the version
- # from the path.
- if [ MATCH "(Microsoft Visual Studio 8)" : $(command) ]
+ # Register a new configuration
+ $(.versions).register $(version) ;
+ # Set new options if any
+ if $(options)
- version = 8.0 ;
- }
- else if [ MATCH "(NET 2003[\/\\]VC7)" : $(command) ] ||
- [ MATCH "(Microsoft Visual C\\+\\+ Toolkit 2003)" : $(command) ]
+ $(.versions).set $(version) : options : $(options) ;
+ }
+ # Mark the configuration as 'used'.
+ $(.versions).use $(version) ;
+ # Get auto-detected or user-supplied options
+ options = [ $(.versions).get $(version) : options ] ;
+ # Generate condition and save it
+ local condition = [ common.check-init-parameters msvc :
+ version $(v) ] ;
+ $(.versions).set $(version) : condition : $(condition) ;
+ local command = [ get-values <command> : $(options) ] ;
+ # setup will be used if a path has been specified. If setup is
+ # not specified, vcvars32.bat will be used instead.
+ setup = [ get-values <setup> : $(options) ] ;
+ setup ?= vcvars32.bat ;
+ compiler = [ get-values <compiler> : $(options) ] ;
+ compiler ?= cl ;
+ linker = [ get-values <linker> : $(options) ] ;
+ linker ?= link ;
+ resource-compiler = [ get-values <resource-compiler> : $(options) ] ;
+ resource-compiler ?= rc ;
+ assembler = [ get-values <assembler> : $(options) ] ;
+ assembler ?= ml ;
+ # If version is specified, we try to search first in default paths,
+ # and only then in PATH.
+ command = [ common.get-invocation-command msvc : cl.exe : $(command)
+ : [ default-paths $(version) ] : $(version) ] ;
+ common.handle-options msvc : $(condition) : $(command) : $(options) ;
+ if $(command)
+ {
+ command = [ common.get-absolute-tool-path $(command[-1]) ] ;
+ }
+ local root = $(command:D) ;
+ setup = $(root)\\bin\\$(setup) ;
+ # CONSIDER: What's the point of 'call'. Can we invoke the script directly?
+ setup = "call \""$(setup)"\" > nul " ;
+ if [ os.name ] = NT
- version = 7.1 ;
+ setup = $(setup)"
+" ;
- else if [ MATCH "(.NET[\/\\]VC7)" : $(command) ]
+ else
- version = 7.0 ;
+ setup = "cmd /S /C "$(setup)" \"&&\" " ;
+ }
+ # prefix with setup, or quoted path if any
+ local prefix = $(setup) ;
+ flags msvc.compile .CC $(condition) : $(prefix)$(compiler) ;
+ flags msvc.compile .RC $(condition) : $(prefix)$(resource-compiler) ;
+ flags msvc.compile .ASM $(condition) : $(prefix)$(assembler) ;
+ flags msvc.link .LD $(condition) : $(prefix)$(linker) ;
+ flags msvc.archive .LD $(condition) : $(prefix)$(linker) ;
+ if ! $(version)
+ {
+ # Even if version is not explicitly specified, try to detect the version
+ # from the path.
+ if [ MATCH "(Microsoft Visual Studio 8)" : $(command) ]
+ {
+ version = 8.0 ;
+ }
+ else if [ MATCH "(NET 2003[\/\\]VC7)" : $(command) ] ||
+ [ MATCH "(Microsoft Visual C\\+\\+ Toolkit 2003)" : $(command) ]
+ {
+ version = 7.1 ;
+ }
+ else if [ MATCH "(.NET[\/\\]VC7)" : $(command) ]
+ {
+ version = 7.0 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ version = 6.0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ # Starting with versions 7.0, the msvc compiler have the /Zc:forScope
+ # and /Zc:wchar_t options that improve C++ standard conformance, but
+ # those options are off by default.
+ # If we're sure that msvc version is at 7.*, add those options explicitly.
+ # We can be sure either if user specified version 7.* explicitly,
+ # or if the installation path contain 7.* (this is checked above).
+ if ! [ MATCH ^(6\\.) : $(version) ]
+ {
+ flags msvc.compile CFLAGS $(condition) : /Zc:forScope /Zc:wchar_t ;
+ }
+ # 8.0 deprecates some of the options
+ if ! [ MATCH ^([67]\\.) : $(version) ]
+ {
+ flags msvc.link MANIFEST $(condition) : "mt -nologo -manifest " ;
+ flags msvc.link OUTPUTRESOURCE $(condition) : "-outputresource:" ;
- version = 6.0 ;
- }
- }
- # Starting with versions 7.0, the msvc compiler have the /Zc:forScope
- # and /Zc:wchar_t options that improve C++ standard conformance, but
- # those options are off by default.
- # If we're sure that msvc version is at 7.*, add those options explicitly.
- # We can be sure either if user specified version 7.* explicitly,
- # or if the installation path contain 7.* (this is checked above).
- if ! [ MATCH ^(6\\.) : $(version) ]
- {
- flags msvc.compile CFLAGS $(condition) : /Zc:forScope /Zc:wchar_t ;
- }
- # 8.0 deprecates some of the options
- if ! [ MATCH ^([67]\\.) : $(version) ]
- {
- flags msvc.link MANIFEST $(condition) : "mt -nologo -manifest " ;
- flags msvc.link OUTPUTRESOURCE $(condition) : "-outputresource:" ;
+ flags msvc.compile CFLAGS $(condition)/<optimization>speed $(condition)/<optimization>space : /Ogiy /Gs ;
+ flags msvc.compile CFLAGS $(condition)/<optimization>speed : /Ot ;
+ flags msvc.compile CFLAGS $(condition)/<optimization>space : /Os ;
+ }
- else
- {
- flags msvc.compile CFLAGS $(condition)/<optimization>speed $(condition)/<optimization>space : /Ogiy /Gs ;
- flags msvc.compile CFLAGS $(condition)/<optimization>speed : /Ot ;
- flags msvc.compile CFLAGS $(condition)/<optimization>space : /Os ;
- }
rule default-paths ( version ? )
local possible-paths ;
@@ -206,7 +302,6 @@
version-8.0-path = [ path.parent $(version-8.0-path) ] ;
version-8.0-path = [ path.join $(version-8.0-path) "VC" ] ;
version-8.0-path = [ path.native $(version-8.0-path) ] ;
# Fixed so we don't add paths without \\bin to all versions.
@@ -229,9 +324,9 @@
local VCToolkitInstallDir = [ os.environ VCToolkitInstallDir ] ;
if $(VCToolkitInstallDir)
- if $(version) = "7.1" || ! $(version)
+ if $(version) = "7.1" || ! $(version)
- # NOTE it's impossible to switch between Toolkit and VS.
+ # NOTE it's impossible to switch between Toolkit and VS.
# I wonder is toolkit and VS can be installed together?
possible-paths += [ path.native [ path.make $(VCToolkitInstallDir) ] ] ;
Boost-Build list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk