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From: KSpam (keesling_spam_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-06-16 17:38:46

On Monday 16 June 2008 12:58:23 Beman Dawes wrote:
> * The "Configuration testing" section is totally opaque to someone (me!)
> who has never used edit_cache. Any why is it called "edit_cache"? It
> appears to be configuration settings that are being edited.
> Specifically, say that running nmake edit_cache will run a graphical
> configuration editor. Maybe show a screen shot.
> "enable BOOST_BUILD_SLAVE and BOOST_BUILD_TESTING." How? What buttons do
> you click? Are these already present? If not, how do you add an entry? If
> so, where are they? All the names I can see begin "BUILD_BOOST_", not
> " Reconfigure." How? Please be pedantic; say "Reconfigure by clicking the
> 'Configure' button"

I can see how these CMake specifics can be very confusing to someone that is
not used to CMake. It seems like it would be easier to have a testing
configuration file that specifies the necessary configuration options. For
example, we could have "BoostTestingSlave.cmake" with the following contents:

    # BoostTestingSlave.cmake

    set(BOOST_BUILD_SLAVE ON CACHE BOOL "Documentation ..." FORCE)
    set(BOOST_BUILD_TESTING ON CACHE BOOL "Documentation ..." FORCE)

With a config file, the user would not be required to manually edit cache
variables (and reconfigure, etc). The process would look something like

1) Checkout sources:
        svn co https://somerepo somerepo
2) Create build directory:
        mkdir build
3) Configure build directory:
        cd build
        cmake -C BoostTestingSlave.cmake ../somerepo
4) Everything is ready to build!

By the way, I am very excited about building Boost with CMake!

Hope This Helps,

Boost-cmake list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at