Re: [Boost-docs] Document build problem - I/O error : Failed to loadexternal entity

Subject: Re: [Boost-docs] Document build problem - I/O error : Failed to loadexternal entity
From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-05-20 12:28:11

> What should I setup to create html doc by bjam invocation?

These errors are usually caused by incorrect paths to your Docbook files in
your user-config.jam (or use of backslashes in paths rather than forward
slashes) these paths get written to your XML catalog file which is why this
may be causing the error.

Also note that the XML catalog file *does not get regenerated if you change
the user-config.jam*, so if you've recently changed user-config.jam then it
may pay to just try a bjam -a to force a rebuild of that file.

Otherwise take a peek inside the catalog file to see which paths are wrong
and then work backwards from there,

HTH, John.

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