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Subject: [Boost-mpi] Point 2 point free collectives.
From: alainm (alain.miniussi_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-10-25 05:35:19

scatterv and gatherv are now point to point free in globopt branch. They
share most of their implementation with their non variable counterpart
as far as non MPI type are concerned:
Since the size of a non MPI type does not have a fixed size footprint
anyway, we typically need to serialize, communicate the archives size
ans send them as byte arrays.

All_gatherv implementation is still missing.


On 20/10/2016 19:24, alainm wrote:
> I just did gather in the same spirit, the slight difference is that
> the size of the archive are not homogeneous.
> So, although it is called gather, it is implemented through MPI_Gatherv.
> Which raises another issue, it is likely that the same interface could
> serve the "v" version of the function, thus simplifying the API. We
> only need to communicate the numbers of array slots along with the
> size of the archives.
> Cheers
> On 20/10/2016 09:17, Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> On 19/10/16 10:00, alainm wrote:
>>> b) Not so trivial calls need to go though serialization, and
>>> manipulate the
>>> archive using point to point communication
>> I don't understand why archives would need to be communicated using
>> point-to-point communication. I've posted this before with no
>> response, but under which circumstances would something like
>> fail?
>> Cheers,
>> Lorenz
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Alain Miniussi
Pole Génie Logiciel Scientifique
Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
Blv de l'Observatoire, Nice

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