![]() |
Boost Testing : |
From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-02-18 09:32:37
Vladimir Prus <ghost_at_[hidden]> writes:
> David Abrahams wrote:
>> Vladimir Prus <ghost_at_[hidden]> writes:
>>> David Abrahams wrote:
>>>> I get:
>>>> python regression.py --v2 --toolsets=msvc-8.0 --runner=V2test
>>> FWIW, this will run the tests and *upload results*.
>> I knew that, but didn't know how to do a *complete* test without
>> uploading the results. I know how to delete results from the server,
>> so it's not a big deal.
>>> I did not think that's a good idea, and that's why the page I've
>>> given mentions specific commands to be run, which does not include
>>> upload.
>> ?? All I see there are examples of how to use the script, not
>> instructions for testing the script without uploading.
> I don't know the difference between the two, but the command sequence given
> there:
> ./regression.py get-source
> ./regression.py setup --v2
> ./regression.py test --v2 --toolsets=hp_cxx-65_042_tru42
> ./regression.py collect-logs --v2
> will do the complete test without uploading (after you change toolset name).
I left the wrong toolset in, but the resultant errors should still be
of interest:
Generating Code...
Generating Code...
...updated 2 targets...
# Searching for "bjam.exe" in "C:\tmp\boost\tools\jam\src"...
# bjam.exe succesfully built in "C:\tmp\boost\tools\jam\src\bin.ntx86\bjam.exe" location
# Preinstalled "C:\tmp\process_jam_log.exe" is not found; building one...
# Warning: No bootstrap toolset for "process_jam_log.exe" was specified.
# Using default toolset for the platform (vc-7_1).
# Found "process_jam_log.exe" source directory "C:\tmp\boost\tools\regression\build"
# Building "process_jam_log.exe" ("C:\tmp\boost\tools\jam\src\bin.ntx86\bjam.exe" --v2 "-sBOOST_BUIL
D_PATH=C:\tmp" "-sBOOST_ROOT=C:\tmp\boost" vc-7_1)...
C:\tmp>cd "C:\tmp\boost\tools\regression\build"
C:\tmp\boost\tools\regression\build>"C:\tmp\boost\tools\jam\src\bin.ntx86\bjam.exe" --v2 "-sBOOST_BU
ILD_PATH=C:\tmp" "-sBOOST_ROOT=C:\tmp\boost" vc-7_1
warning: toolset como-win initialization:
warning: can't find user-provided command 'call "c:/program files/microsoft visual studio .net 2003/
vc7/Bin/vcvars32" > nul
set COMO_MS_INCLUDE="c:/program files/microsoft visual studio .net 2003/vc7/include"
set LIB=c:/tools/como433/libcomo;%LIB%
set PATH=c:/tools/como433/bin;%PATH%
set COMO_BASE=c:/tools/como433
como.exe --diag_suppress=68'
warning: initialized from
Building Boost.Regex with the optional Unicode/ICU support disabled.
Please refer to the Boost.Regex documentation for more information
(and if you don't know what ICU is then you probably don't need it).
notice: could not find main target vc-7_1
notice: assuming it's a name of file to create
don't know how to make <e>vc-7_1
...found 1 target...
...can't find 1 target...
# Searching for "process_jam_log.exe" in "C:\tmp\boost\bin.v2\tools\regression\build"...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "regression.py", line 910, in ?
commands[ command ]( **accept_args( args ) )
File "regression.py", line 442, in setup
build_if_needed( process_jam_log, pjl_toolset, toolsets, v2 )
File "regression.py", line 391, in build_if_needed
tool[ 'build_path' ] = tool_path( tool, v2 )
File "regression.py", line 352, in tool_path
raise Exception( 'Cannot find "%s" in any of the following locations:\n%s' % (
Exception: Cannot find "process_jam_log.exe" in any of the following locations:
C:\tmp>python regression.py test --v2 --toolsets=hp_cxx-65_042_tru42
# Making "C:\tmp\results" directory...
# Searching for "bjam.exe" in "C:\tmp\boost\tools\jam\src"...
# Starting tests ("C:\tmp\boost\tools\jam\src\bin.ntx86\bjam.exe" --v2 "-sBOOST_BUILD_PATH=C:\tmp" "
-sBOOST_ROOT=C:\tmp\boost" hp_cxx-65_042_tru42 -d2 --dump-tests "--build-dir=C:\tmp\results" >>"C:\
tmp\results\bjam.log" 2>&1)...
C:\tmp\boost\status>"C:\tmp\boost\tools\jam\src\bin.ntx86\bjam.exe" --v2 "-sBOOST_BUILD_PATH=C:\tmp"
"-sBOOST_ROOT=C:\tmp\boost" hp_cxx-65_042_tru42 -d2 --dump-tests "--build-dir=C:\tmp\results" 1>>
"C:\tmp\results\bjam.log" 2>&1
# Getting test case results out of "C:\tmp\results\bjam.log"...
# Searching for "process_jam_log.exe" in "C:\tmp\boost\bin.v2\tools\regression\build"...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\tmp\regression.py", line 910, in ?
commands[ command ]( **accept_args( args ) )
File "C:\tmp\regression.py", line 566, in test
File "C:\tmp\regression.py", line 513, in run_process_jam_log
utils.checked_system( [
File "C:\tmp\regression.py", line 352, in tool_path
raise Exception( 'Cannot find "%s" in any of the following locations:\n%s' % (
Exception: Cannot find "process_jam_log.exe" in any of the following locations:
C:\tmp>python regression.py collect-logs --v2
regression.py [command] options
--runner runner ID (e.g. 'Metacomm')
--tag the tag for the results ('CVS-HEAD' by default)
--local the name of the boost tarball
--comment an HTML comment file to be inserted in the reports
('comment.html' by default)
--incremental do incremental run (do not remove previous binaries)
--force-update do a CVS update (if applicable) instead of a clean
checkout, even when performing a full run
--monitored do a monitored run
--timeout specifies the timeout, in minutes, for a single test
run/compilation (enforced only in monitored runs, 5 by
--user SourceForge user name for a shell/CVS account (optional)
--toolsets comma-separated list of toolsets to test with (optional)
--bjam-options options to pass to the regression test (optional)
--bjam-toolset bootstrap toolset for 'bjam' executable (optional)
--pjl-toolset bootstrap toolset for 'process_jam_log' executable
--mail email address to send run notification to (optional)
--smtp-login STMP server address/login information, in the following
form: <user>:<password>@<host>[:<port>] (optional).
--proxy HTTP proxy server address and port (e.g.
'http://www.someproxy.com:3128', optional)
--ftp-proxy FTP proxy server (e.g. 'ftpproxy', optional)
--debug-level debugging level; controls the amount of debugging
output printed; 0 by default (no debug output)
--v2 Use Boost.Build V2
regression.py --runner=Metacomm
For more documentation, see http://tinyurl.com/4f2zp
-- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting www.boost-consulting.com