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Subject: Re: [Boost-testing] pathscale 3.1 reporting problems?
From: Gennadiy Rozental (rogeeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-06-16 21:18:57

K.Noel Belcourt <kbelco <at>> writes:

> Alright, I've learned a few things about Boost.test.
> First, it doesn't recognize the Etnus' Totalview debugger so inside
> debug.ipp in the BOOST_UNIX_BASED_DEBUG macro block, only gdb is in
> the dbg_list, so this code can't be effectively debugged under
> Totalview (the Totalview program name is version specific, tv8main in
> our case).

How is it relevant to the problem at hand? Boost.Test debugger support is not
entered by this test.

> Second, in execution_monitor.ipp, catch_signals(), it appears that we
> must disable macro BOOST_TEST_USE_ALT_STACK. Can someone (Gennadiy?)


> please disable this macro (and all this alternate stack code) in the
> trunk when building for pathscale-3.1 to see if this fixes the problem?
> And just a general question, is all this complexity (recognizing
> debuggers, managing alternate stacks, etc...) really necessary for a
> testing library?

1. Boost.Test allows to automatically attach debuggers (trying to at least) at
the point of failure like memory access violation.

2. It's better to catch signals using altstack.


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