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From: Marc Cromme (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-04 05:06:33

On Tue, 03 Sep 2002 23:06:38 +0200, Jeremy Siek wrote:

> Hi Marc,
> Currently you're thinking about detailed implementation issues and
> particular data-structures. However, my comments were not directed
> towards these details, but instead towards what kind of *concepts* we
> will need to have for a complete framework of tree data structures and
> algorithms.
> There are lots of uses for this. How about representing XML? How about
> representing the results of a breadth-first search of a graph.

I see your point. Of course, you are right, I had my own problem in
mind when looking for a tree template. Unfortunately I have nor the
time to develop such a general framework, nor the in-depth
experience in generic STL-like template programming, nor the in-depth
knowledge of the boost graph library to succed on my own.

But I am still interested in learning more about the boost graph lib,
extending it with nice tree templates, and I certainly prefer general
solutions as much as you do.

Would you be interested in participating in such a project ???
Would anybody else ???

Then we can roll ...

Cheers, Marc Cromme

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