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From: Darin Adler (darin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-23 18:25:23

On Wednesday, October 23, 2002, at 01:06 PM, Chris Little wrote:

> For CWP8 it looks like the line should be
> #if __MACH__ && !defined(_MSL_USING_MSL_C)

That will work for CodeWarrior Pro 7 too, because _MSL_USING_MSL_C
won't be defined under 7. I'll take care of it.

> I'm not sure what to do for CWP7 though. Now that I'm running Jaguar
> (and thus gcc 3.1) CWP7 can't even build a simple mach-o console app
> due to conflicts in standard library headers.

Sure, that's a problem. It's too bad that CodeWarrior Pro 7 is not
compatible with Jaguar. But nothing for Boost to worry about.

     -- Darin

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