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From: Martin Johnson (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-19 07:56:41


Just to get it through my thick skull.

>The threadmon.dll is a seperate library that's always dynamically linked.

Then why not make threads a dynamic lib.

As an exercise I attempted this though as I found that the template methods
of condition a little troublesome. Could this not be reworked by reworking
or typing the condition class.

I am able to build the lib as a dll with threadmon.cpp included. It involves
exporting all classes and crude hack to condition *just* to get it to work.
It would appear to function correctly as far as I can see. With the cleanup
handlers being called without requiring a seperate dll, though I guess this
puts a static link a little out of the picture. But why would I static link
anyway, for distribution purposes, but I have to distribute threadmon.dll

What do you think?

I am just trying to think of a way around it, I know you have been there
done that but i just need to appreciate this a little better.


Martin Johnson

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