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From: gcs_99 gregsteele_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-08 10:47:36

Thanks for the information.

Is there a way to build libraries, i.e. boost.python, without bjam?


--- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], Markus Werle <yg-boost-users_at_m...>
> gcs_99 wrote:
> > Can anyone point me to directions for building boost under linux. I
> > have installed bjam. When I type bjam -sTOOLS=gcc in my boost root dir
> > I get tons of errors.
> >
> > I understand that much of boost is implemented as templates in header
> > files. Is there an install script to place these in the correct
> > location for gcc?
> Hi Greg,
> On Unices the jam stuff is rather optional.
> I happily use boost just by including the headers.
> For this I unpacked the sources into /opt and that's it.
> In case I have to compile additional *.cpp or *.ipp files
> I tell so to my own Makefile(.am), that's it.
> Bjam may be completely ignored.
> Since bjam is as complicated as GNU autotools there is no need
> to migrate (at least _I_ do not see _any_ advantage, maybe I am blind)
> OTOH "tons of errors" might be due to the gcc version
> You are using. Make sure You have at least gcc-3.2.1
> installed on Your system, otherwise boost really ain't no fun.
> Please also avoid gcc-3.2 which has some rather hidden but
> fatal bugs in it.
> In general it's a good idea to upgrade gcc frequently if You are
> dealing with C++. Like this You get rid of a lot of pain and stay
> up to date with standard issues getting resolved (or dissolved)
> If You can afford the time try out intel's C++ 7.0 on linux.
> It's free on that platform and its really pedantic if You use
> option -ansi. Like this the learning curve gets a little steeper.
> Markus

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