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From: Markus Werle (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-27 10:58:40

Peter Dimov wrote:

> From: "Markus Werle" <yg-boost-users_at_[hidden]>
>> Peter Dimov wrote:
>> > Why would you ever need to use <boost/bind.hpp> and
>> > <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp> together? Lambda has its own bind.
>> Well, I just happen to have a class that
>> a) uses boost::bind, etc to create functors, so
>> ::_1 is visible
>> and
>> b) uses boost::lambda to remove all sort of loops
>> so boost::lambda::_1 must be made visible.
>> They are used _in_ _parallel_, not together.
> But why aren't you using lambda::bind _in_ _parallel_ with the other
> lambda features? Is there a particular reason for it?

Well, I got the impression that boost::function stuff has some
extra convenience not offered by boost::lambda::bind et. al..
Do I understand You correctly, that You ask me to
use boost::lambda::features everywhere instead of boost::function?
Is there a 1-to-1 correspondencce in functionality?
Is every boost::function feature available in boost::lambda or vice versa?

I just argue that it _should_ be possible to use both of them
in the same compilation unit without name clashes. This is what
namespaces originally were invented for ...
(of course since ADL the goal is missed and C++ is broken)


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