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From: Tom Matelich (tmatelich_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-03 12:06:53

I would recommend contacting the aCC support people. They are generally
quite reasonable. In fact, the hp status tables (which appear a bit out of
date) at are run remotely on a box
provided by HP for boost to use. At the point when this was set up, I was
investigating whether we should use aCC or g++. I went through and
developed a few simple test cases to demonstrate the bugs in a few of the
tests. They accepted them, but gave no time line.

I think development of aCC was initially really hurt when Daveed Vandevoorde
went to EDG, and I'd guess all the linux/compaq hubbub probably hasn't
helped to much. I think A.03.33 was released over a year ago.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: dlux42 <dlux_at_[hidden]> [mailto:dlux_at_[hidden]]
> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 7:53 AM
> To: Boost-Users_at_[hidden]
> Subject: [Boost-Users] HP, aCC and the standards
> Hello Guys!
> I am now fighting with HP to recognize that their compiler is buggy. I
> am one of their customer and would like to get help with this fight.
> I want to use the format and regex libraries on HP-UX 11.00
> with aCC, and I got contacted the local HP office about that.
> I told that I want to use modern libraries like the ""
> library. They answered that the HP aCC is the implementation of the
> ISO/IEC 14882 standard of the C++ language.
> They provided two links about the compiler:
> (follow
> the aC++ link).
> (introductionary concepts).
> Do you have any evidence that the HP implementation of C++ language
> breaks the standard and that's why the regex library and format
> library does not compile on those platform? (if you need sample error
> message, then I can send it to the list).
> I am using stlport 4.5-119, aCC A.03.33.
> Please Cc: the replies to my private email-address also.
> Thanks for your help in advance,
> dLux
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