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From: Douglas Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-04 17:45:40

On Monday 03 March 2003 05:57 am, Russell Hind wrote:
> Do (or should) all the bost headers force alignment before all
> structures/classes and then restore the alignment afterwards?

I don't see any reason that the Boost headers should do this unless they
require a certain alignment to operate (and this should never be the case).

> Currently, I have to link directly with the signals source code to get
> use the library.
> Has anything to do with this been changed in the builds of 1.30.0?

Not that I know of. I see that the Boost Jam toolset for Borland sets the
alignment to 8 directly on the command line (via -a8) to match what the IDE
does by default. The correct solution is probably to make alignment a feature
in the toolset so that you can build a version of the Boost libraries using
the same set of flags. For instance, you may be able to add to

flags borland CFLAGS <alignment>8 : -a8 ;
flags borland CFLAGS <alignment>4 : -a4 ;

Then remove the hardcoded "-a8" from the command line and build Boost like

  bjam -sTOOLS="borlandc" -sBUILD="<alignment>4"

I hope that Jam-savvy Boosters will help correct any errors I made here :)


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