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From: Martin Okrslar (okrslar_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-05 08:20:00

Tarjei Knapstad wrote:

>>We don't have SGI STL around here. I've seen that before, but I hoped
>>that there would be an other way than changing my STL version... It's
>>amazing that there is no hashtable in the stdc++, isn't it?
>More or less... :) Hashed containers were introduced too late to make it
>into the standard IIRC, allthough most STL implementations have them and
>most STL books document them.
>I believe you can be pretty certain they'll make it into the next
>standard though :)
>I'd be interested to know which STL implementation it is you are using
>that don't have hashed containers? I would strongly consider switching
>to STLport for instance.
I am what comes with gcc 3.2. Now that you told me, I had a look into
our /package/gcc-3.2/linux/include/c++/3.2/ext/
directory, and there is it.

Great! Thanks!

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Martin Okrslar
MPI for Molecular Genetics          phone: ++ 49 + 30 / 8413-1166
Computational Molecular Biology     Fax:   ++ 49 + 30 / 8413-1152
Ihnestrasse 73                      email: okrslar_at_[hidden]
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