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Boost Users :

From: Tom (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-05 16:36:56

Boost::Format adds 36KB (VC7.1) or 48 KB (VC6) to my release executable!


Take one C++ Win32 application which uses both MFC and the VC STL, but not
std::string. Optimizations are set for minimum size.

In VC7.1 the release exe is 552 KB.
Add std::string, adds 4 KB.
Add boost::format, adds another 36 KB.
(For each I just added one statement.)

For VC6 SP5 the release exe is also 552 KB.
Add just the '#include's for string & format libraries, adds 20 KB (VC7.1
didn't do this).
Add std::string and boost::format, adds another 32 KB.
Total added by format is (20 + 32 - 4) = 48.

This is not acceptable for my application. Is there a better way to use
C-style printf statements with std::string?


(Thanks to Gmane for making this list usenet accessible!)

Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at