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From: Jeff Garland (jeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-10 07:51:25

> Darn; here I go replying to my own post again...
> Anyway; so far I have narrowed the problem down to one of optimisation. I
> did a debug compilation and had no problem. A moment of reflection led me
> to the conclusion that optimisation might have something to do with it. For
> the record; I am using Boost in Windows, with Visual Studio as IDE only, and
> the Intel 7.0 compiler. Oh; and STLport instead of Windows' crappy STL
> implementation.
> I.e. turning on "Maximise speed" optimisation causes "to_simple_string" to
> fail on my build system.
> I'll try to setup the simplest proggie I can to illustrate this problem.
> Any thoughts?

I'm not aware of anyone else having a problem. Perhaps you can post
the details of the compilation failure?


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