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From: Cromwell Enage (sponage_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-01-28 18:48:34
--- David Abrahams wrote:
> I take it back; I'm pretty sure this has nothing to
> do with forwarding. On what line of *your code*
> does that error appear?
The error appears on the line with the // error
> I suggest you reduce your problem to the minimal
> example that reproduces the problem.
I've replaced uniform_int and variate_generator with
the old-school rng() * (min - max) + min, and replaced
mt19937 with a trivial number generator whose ()
operator increments an internal counter before
returning the counter's value. The error now states
that calling rng() from within the function 'discards
qualifiers', so I've indeed run into the forwarding
In my project, I cannot rearrange the parameters so
that rng_engine is in the last position because a few
of the other parameters accept defaults. However,
because there are only a few such parameters, and
because rng_engine is the only non-const parameter,
writing the overloads myself (via Boost.Preprocessor
and custom macros, of course) is a viable alternative.
Cromwell D. Enage
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