Boost Users : |
From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-07-15 20:51:52
on Sat Jul 14 2007, Steven Mackenzie <boost-AT-aptile.co.uk> wrote:
> I've just built and installed the boost 1.34 libraries from source on a
> Centos 4.4 Linux intsall, along side the default 1.32 Boost version that
> comes with RedHat/CentOS 4.
> The boost libraries have been installed in /usr/local/lib, but have very
> long and specific names, like libboost_program_options-gcc34-mt-1_34.so,
> and so to link against them I have to specify, for example,
> boost_program_options-gcc34-mt-1_34 instead of boost_program_options.
> Is there any quick change that I can make to create the extra symlinks,
> or are the long names deliberate and sensible?
they're deliberate, and their sense, such as it is, is explained in
-- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting http://www.boost-consulting.com The Astoria Seminar ==> http://www.astoriaseminar.com
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